Mashups: Best practices and best examples
The value of mashups is at its core the value of the API (application programming interface). Nobody has to say that it’s OK to launch an API. While you have to get approval to launch an operating...
View ArticleVIDEO: Peter Biddle, encryption will be like air bags
I spoke to Peter Biddle of Trampoline Systems, also formerly an encryption expert and creator of BitLocker. We were having a great discussion about cloud computing and why some people don’t encrypt...
View ArticleVIDEO: Karen Appleton on why social networking is critical for business
I spoke with Karen Appleton VP of Business Development of Box, the file storage utility. Appleton is also an advisor for the Forum of Women Entrepreneurs and Executives and she just had a session back...
View ArticleIntroducing Social Networking into your Enterprise
Yesterday, Don Burke and Sean Dennehy from the CIA told the story of implementing the Intellipedia, the intelligence industry’s social network (watch the video). Today, Simon Revell, Manager of...
View ArticleSocial Network Shoot Out
It’s the last session of Wednesday, I have absolutely no idea what this session is about, but with a title like “Social Network Shoot Out,” I’m hoping there’s going to be some arguing and maybe some...
View ArticleSummary of coverage of the Enterprise 2.0 conference
It’s Wednesday night, the big two days of the Enterprise 2.0 conference are coming to an end. I’ve blogged a ton and shot a lot of video at the conference. The overall sentiment I’m getting from all...
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